Tips To Avoid Losing Your Car Keys

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    You’re running late for work, and as soon as you step out of your house, you realize that you can’t find your keys.

    It is a fact that car keys are one of the things that are easy to misplace; and it’s a problem that every car owner has experienced.

    When you lose your car keys, you can be late for work or other important meetings.

    The problem can be more troublesome if you keep losing your keys and you don’t have spare keys.

    Fortunately for you, we have tips to avoid losing your car keys.

    If you need a new set of keys, call Oakville Locksmith Solutions.

    We will provide you with the most effective and dependable commercial locksmith services.

    Call us now for an immediate response!

    Purchase a Spare Key

    First tip we can give you is to get a set of extra keys that will help you when you lose your original keys.

    Even though your objective is to avoid losing your keys, it is still important to get at least one spare key.

    This will help you avoid embarrassment and frustration.

    Bind Your Keys to Something Important

    Tying your keys to an important item, like your purse or a big cardholder, can aid you from losing your keys.

    You can also clip them to things that are less likely you’ll forget bringing with you.

    This can be a huge key chain that is bound to your other household keys.

    Furthermore, the larger the key chain, the more that you can find it easily.

    Contact Your Insurance Company

    Many insurance companies will cover you up in case you’ve lost your car keys.

    This applies when your keys are stolen or lost.

    They will hire and provide you with a professional locksmith that can execute the task correctly.

    File a Police Report

    In case your keys are stolen or lost, you can report the incident to the police first.

    Notify immediately the authorities about the lost keys in order for them to start investigating and finding your keys.

    Change or Rekey Your Lock

    When you lose your key, the problem also becomes a matter of safety and security.

    You’ll never know if your keys were lost or stolen, so someone could access your car and steal it.

    Make sure to change or rekey your locks if you ever lose even a single copy of your keys.

    Additionally, replacing or re-keying is important in order to prevent any burglars from harming you.

    Call a professional locksmith to assist you in this kind of situation.

    Make a Safety Protective Measure

    If you have a trustworthy neighbor, you can give them your spare key.

    This is so that whenever you lose your original keys; you know where to get one.

    This will allow you to get a new set of keys without worrying about your security.

    It is common for people to be more careful after losing their keys.

    However, no matter how careful you may be, it’s still possible to lose your car keys.

    So, avoid leaving your keys in an area that can be easily found, like under the mat or in a flowerpot.

    Instead, put your spare keys in some place safe, such as in your office or garage.

    Contact a Reliable Locksmith

    If you have lost your set of spare keys, then key replacement is necessary.

    It might put you in danger if you don’t do a quick action.

    You need to call a professional locksmith that has years of experience in the industry.

    Professional locksmiths will make you a new set of car keys instantly, even without the original key.

    They can simply assess your locks to do so.

    However, forging a new set of keys can be costly depending on your car door

    The price likely depends on door lock and the time required making a new set of keys.


    The moment that you have lost your keys, or they are stolen by burglars, rekeying or changing your keys and locks is necessary.

    Since cars are considered a luxury today, you need to take instant steps to secure your car from being accessed by other people.

    Our tips to avoid losing your car keys should help avoid instances of getting locked out.

    In case you need a new set of car keys, call Oakville Locksmith Solutions.

    We offer efficient and reliable auto locksmith services.

    We also offer residential and commercial locksmith services in Oakville.

    Contact us now!

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